NEW YORK  Lincoln Center RED” artwork by Luciano De Liberato – chosen as an image  Lincoln Center Festival  2012 in New York — “ROSSO” 2003, opera  scelta tra i  lavori di  oltre  60000 artisti internazionali, come immagine del   “LINCOLN CENTER FESTIVAL ″ a New York


  SEATTLE – USA – “Seattle Artist League”– Art school – Scuola d’Arte di ogni ordine e grado   –Luciano de Liberato”  artist included in the study  programs of  Contemporary Art  (artista inserito nei programmi di studio della Storia dell’ Arte Contemporanea)   https://bit.ly/2mKZdn0


   RAI  UNO  –  RAI 3 – RAI 5  (National public TV) –   Video Intervista 2008 ” THE MAKING OF”  Artisti a lavoro in TV “  Luciano de Liberato  – Labirinto interrotto ” – version  9 minutes–https://bit.ly/2fjwMM8


LOS ANGELES – LONDRA  –  Inside the Studio  – Video 2015 – 3 min   curated by    Saatchi Gallery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1MTi8hDfzA



     WIKIPEDIA –  USA / UK   ( Stati Uniti / Inghilterra )https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciano_de_Liberato   

•   WIKIPEDIA  – (Arabo )  ( Egitto )  –  لوسيانو د ليبيراتو

    WIKIPEDIA – FR –  ( Francia / Svizzera)  –    https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciano_De_Liberato









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